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Join a Movement to Reinvent Democracy

Happy Holidays! As the year comes to a close, I hope you’ll consider making a tax-deductible donation to The Participatory Budgeting Project. With your support, we’ve opened the door for real grassroots democracy in over a dozen cities this year (see our year-in-review email). If you contribute now, you’ll help us double the amount of public money that’s decided by the people and for the people in 2013.

In case you need extra incentives to give:

  • Thanks to support from people like you, we’ve raised enough money to fund at least one of our priority projects for 2013. If you can help us raise just a few thousand more dollars by the end of the year, we can fund two projects – starting a youth participatory budgeting campaign, producing a new PB intro video, hiring a part-time fundraiser, or one of three other projects on the ballot.
  • If you give at least $60, we can send you a signed copy of one of the seven books below.

You are already helping build a movement to reinvent democracy, every time you tell someone about PB, every time you share a tweet or Facebook post, every time you turn out for a PB meeting. We are incredibly thankful for your support, and we hope you’ll take a minute now to push PB to the next level in 2013, by making an end of year gift to PBP.

Thank you again for your participation!
Josh & the rest of the PBP team

Josh Lerner
Executive Director
The Participatory Budgeting Project

Books for Donors

If you donate at least $60 to PBP, we’ll send you a signed copy of one of the following books, while supplies last. When you make your donation, just let us know which book you’d prefer and your shipping address.

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PBP helps communities decide how to improve using public money.

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