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This is Josh’s dad – can you help me celebrate his birthday?

Today is my son Josh’s 39th birthday. When he was a kid, every year for his birthday I bought him what he wanted more than anything in the world: Legos. I’ve been proud to watch Josh move from building things with Legos to now building a better democracy through participatory budgeting (PB).

Josh's birthday party

Now that he is grown up and serves as Executive Director of the Participatory Budgeting Project, I would still like to give him a birthday gift that means the world to him. Will you help me celebrate Josh’s 39th birthday today by making a donation of $39, or by signing up as a PB Amplifier to show your support on a monthly basis?

Though we live in a democracy, most people have little say in what happens to the money they pay in taxes. Our hard earned tax dollars are spent by politicians who often don’t know what we need and want. PB helps people become engaged citizens who can vote on how their money is spent. This is why I have been a proud supporter of the Participatory Budgeting Project, the organization expanding PB across North America.

As a family doctor, I know too well the disparities that exist in our country. When I learned how PB lifts up the voices of those who rarely get heard and improves the overall health of communities, it became a no-brainer for me.

Liberals and conservatives may not agree on much, but we all would like to live in a democracy where our voice counts. Participatory budgeting gives us that voice!

In honor of Josh’s birthday, will you help me take PB to the next level by making a one-time donation of $39 or signing up as a PB Amplifier? For just $10 a month you can enable thousands of people to decide how their tax dollars are spent.

Thank you!

Michael and Miro - Josh's dad and Josh's son!Michael Lerner

PS I’ll even match any donation up to $500. Think of your donation as a gift to America as well as a birthday present for Josh.
(Gifts of Legos are also welcome, of course, as Josh continues his childhood pastime with his son Miro)

Josh and Miro with Legos

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