Program or Initiative: PB in Schools

PB in Schools Readiness Assessment

Discover what's next in your journey to bring PB to your school community with this PB in Schools Readiness Rubric!

PB in Schools Policy Scan

Learn about how PB can expand across our school communities in this landscape report & report summary!

PB in Schools Evaluation Toolkit – Why Data Matters

Evaluation is a key part of growing and improving participatory budgeting. Our PB in Schools Evaluation Toolkit walks readers through the why, what, and how of evaluating school PB processes! By examining how PB works, who takes part, and how it impacts local communities and democracy, evaluation data can be used to make the case for why PB should be continued and expanded.

Guide to PB in Schools

A series of lesson plans and worksheets that walk you through planning, idea collection, proposal development, voting, and funded project implementation. Although this guide was developed for high schools, it can be modified for all age levels!