Resource Category: Learn

People’s Budget Cleveland Case Study (2024)

PB2: How we practice what we preach!

PB2 gives our network a direct say in our work, funding impactful projects that align with participatory democracy principles.

Zine – What is Participatory Democracy?

An illustrated beginners guide created to demystify participatory democracy, open up space for conversation, and ground ourselves in the rich history of people power!

Zine – ¿Qué es la Democracia Participativa?

¡Una guía ilustrada para principiantes creada para desmitificar la democracia participativa, abrir un espacio para la conversación y arraigarnos en la rica historia del poder popular!

Where We Live NYC: The NYC Fair Housing Assessment

In 2018, the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) collaborated with dozens of other government agencies, community-based partners, and consultants to launch “Where We Live NYC.”

PB in Schools Policy Scan

Learn about how PB can expand across our school communities in this landscape report & report summary!

Participatory Policy-Making Learning Exchange

This graphic presents a vision for participatory policy-making rooted in equity, accessibility, and significance. It's the result of a learning exchange event the Democracy Beyond Elections coalition convened.

Participatory Policy-Making

This one-pager gives an overview of what participatory policy-making (PPM) is, why it is a useful tool, the working group that developed the PPM model, and an overview of the steps in the process. 

Read more about the process and the PPM “Safe Schools” pilot in Brooklyn here

Next Generation Democracy

This report highlights PB's impact, features the voices of civic leaders, elected officials, and PB participants, and explores why 3,000+ cities have implemented it.

Democracy Beyond Elections

This one-pager gives an overview of what Democracy Beyond Elections (DBE) is providing goals and solutions to deepen participatory democracy.