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Seattle People’s Fellows in Action

After an exciting first year working with young people in New York City to facilitate youth-led engagement and decision-making, we’ve launched the Seattle People’s Fellowship!

A photo of five happy people each of them is holding a glittery gold letter that together spells #PB&J

Since August of 2022, the Seattle People’s Fellows, a group of young people between the ages of 14-21 who live, work, and or play in Seattle have been working to lead the youth engagement of Seattle’s $27.2m PB process.

While the Steering Committee that will write the rules for this PB process is en route to being formed, the People’s Fellows have kicked off their relationship building and exploratory phase. During this time, they will be centering and inviting Black & Indigenous youth and youth-serving organizations to be in community with each other, chat about the things that are important to them and want to see in their communities, and discuss how they can build coalitions for youth to participate and lead in this PB process.

Youth Summits: Youth-Led Engagement

The Seattle People’s Fellows geared up to host their first youth convenings:  March Youth Summits on March 4th and March 10th. These first conversations took place online through Zoom as the fellows sought to learn what youth across the Seattle area need to be able to plug into the PB process in a way that is accessible and honors young people’s sense of safety, their lived experience, and where they can practice joy!

What Does Access Look Like?

To get really intentional about learning what young people in the Seattle area need to participate in community-led decision-making, the fellows have put together an accessibility or “youth check-in” survey. Please share this accessibility survey with youth that you know in the Seattle area, especially Black and Indigenous young people who will be centered in this groundbreaking PB process.

Youth-Led Engagement & Collaboration


The fellows will share their learnings about making this PB process accessible with the Steering Committee and workgroups. They will be collaborating with the Seattle PB Outreach Workgroup throughout the year to broaden their reach and bring the PB process to the people. Youth voices are an essential part of this historic cycle, and we invite young people in the Seattle area to participate and get connected with our People’s Fellows!

“It’s been really cool learning about and connecting with amazing organizations here in Seattle. I’m excited to begin engaging in youth-centered dialogue and finding ways to collaborate with different communities, allowing us as coalition builders to establish long-lasting relationships.”

-People’s Fellow, Hanna Bekele


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