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You made it happen: This is Democracy Made by YOU

Thank you!Happy New Year!

As we enter an uncertain 2017, we’re blown away by your commitment to democracy. Thank you to the more than 180 of you who donated over $25,000 in our Democracy Made by You campaign! You’re AMAZING!

Your support empowers young people like Darnell Maxwell to step up as leaders. Your support makes neighborhoods safe and beautiful in Chicago and across North America. Your support makes democracy real.

In 2017 we resolve to build community power from the bottom up. We will organize neighbors to talk, learn, and decide together. We will invest in equity, engaging and supporting those with the greatest needs and least power. And we will help PB grow bigger and better, making it a core part of government.

Thank you for joining us on this journey!

With love and democracy,

Josh Lerner & team PBP
PBP team at the 2016 Spring Retreat


PS. Everyone who donates to PBP gets to decide how part of our budget is spent, through our own PB process. We’re now collecting ideas for new projects that can support PB on the ground – submit your idea here!

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